When was the last time you took inventory? Not a commercial inventory but an energetic one?
Of your life and the people in it? It would be an inventory of how and with whom you spend your time.
Have you created your circle to be a collection of the best people you have ever met? Those people you meet and something strikes you after your first encounter, 'There's something here for me.' You feel an unexplainable draw to them and may even think 'This person is to show me or teach me something'. They may leave you in awe of their grace, beauty, confidence or skill. Do the people in your circle inspire you? Are they on the same level energetically? Are they in the same building as you spiritually? Or are the on they same planet as you motivationally?
You are the gatekeeper of your circle. You are the one who says who may stay and go. You control which texts you answer, how much attention you give each person and how much you share about yourself with each person. This is your reminder to be mindful of who these people are in your life. Is your circle build consciously and mindfully to be your cheerleaders towards your goals or are they energy suckers and Debbie Downers that leave you feeling defeated and full of doubt. Choose and build your circle wisely and actively. Revisit and revise often. Stop before each reply, and think, 'Is this worth my time? Is this person worthy of knowing this part of my life, my concerns and dreams.
Often, I have been in situations where I read the circle wrong. I misjudged my support and found myself feeling upset, agitated and even shamed after sharing or confiding in others. Their reaction was not coming from a place of love, not did it support my growth or redirection. Reactions from the wrong people are often riddled with jealousy, projection of their own issues or just nasty mean shoot downs doubting my capability and attempting to force me back into playing small. This is where they are comfortable with me being, it's where they are used to seeing me in my past and who they know me as. Well.....there's a new girl in town and boy does she have a fire in her belly and a dream in her heart.