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Unlocking Your Potential🔑

Enough: Overcoming 3 Myths Holding You Back from Commiting to You

enough tatoo

As we start this new year, it is often a time for reflection and analysis. We evaluate what was good and went well for us in the past 365 days, and what pieces we want to take with us into the new year. It can also be a time to evaluate what we need to leave behind in the past based on what no longer serves us or contributes to our growth. This is often easier said than done but is well worth the effort and heartache. If we commit to this process of evaluating, shedding and choosing, we can create space where old habits or relationships or thoughts used to lay. This space is where we have an opportunity to start something new. Something that will add to our growth, evolution and ultimate shift.

Starting something new is certainly terrifying, I know this first hand, as many of us do. Starting a new life after my divorce was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. But the process taught me so many lessons, I never would have chosen to take on if they were not forced upon me. You have doubts, disbeliefs and even contradictions from other’s opinions possibly, telling you how impossible it all is for you. Fear is often the underlying monster of all progress. We can so easily talk ourselves out of a new thing because we simply have never done it before and there are endless unknowns. Our brains are programmed this way for survival; to avoid the unknown and survey for all possible disaster outcomes. But this mindset does not allow us to grow or leave our comfort zone and therefore, most of our society doesn’t change, or shift or flourish towards their fullest potential. If we never try something, how do we ever truly know it’s not possible?

Pattern breaking, habit changing and shift making doesn’t just happen without deep inner mental analysis and commitment. It takes lots of time, practice, proper support and new daily habits. It will seem impossible at first, and changes will be small and seemingly insignificant. But all big changes start small and then they grow given the right environment, support, guidance and community. Yoga was my vehicle of change and came into my life when I felt like I couldn’t do anything by myself. In fact, breathing was difficult for me, as I was flooded with panic attacks daily after my divorce. Yoga has been my way of controlling my breath, body and eventually allowed me to dive deeper into my mind. It has created a ripple effect of shifts into every crevice of my new life~and what a beautiful life it is! Yoga or any regular commitment to yourself can have the same impactful effects for your life. I truly believe this and am here to help anyone who is willing. 

Here are 3 Myths you have probably told yourself that are holding you back from having a committed practice to your growth:

MYTH #1: I’m not ENOUGH!

Whether it’s not skinny enough, flexible enough or strong enough, we have all been there before as walking women on this planet. We compare, wish and put down ourselves way too much. We talk to ourselves in a way that has us believe others have it all figured out or are simply better than us. This is false. We are all born with potential. Some of us have just made it a priority to explore that potential and allowed the time to work on our growth. So, if you are starting this year maybe curious about your own potential, the true question is what do you intend to do differently this new year to find that shift?

💥Committing to a weekly walking or running club-Incredible!

💥Signing up for the gym-Amazing! 

💥Showing up to my Soaring Sundays virtual classes-Fantastic! I’ll see you there.

Whatever your vehicle of change may be, commit and put yourself as a priority. Choosing to move daily and commit time to prove to yourself what you can actually do physically and mentally is the best thing we can do for living our fullest lives. We often are so busy with the excuses, we don’t even give ourselves a moment to ponder, or think or explore. You are enough, right now, just as you are to start something new. 

MYTH #2: I Don’t Have Enough TIME!

I am with you! There should be 50hours in a day to allow for all the tasks to get done. However, there isn’t, nor will there probably ever be more hours to achieve more tasks. So we need to figure it out with the hours we have been given. We actually do have enough time to do all that is a priority on any given day. Best advice is to do it NOW! There is no time like the present and there are probably things in your day you can do without or shift onto tomorrow’s To Do List. Got 15 min while you wait in the car for your kid’s karate lesson to be over? Got ½ hour after dinner before bedtime routine starts? Need to take your dog for a 20 minute walk in the early morning? All these tasks can have an added layer of productivity and priority of YOU at the center. How about skipping the Netflix binging tonight and pulling up a yoga/workout/meditation virtual class?

We have time to make time. It may not be a full 3 hours we think we need, but break it down into smaller brackets of time and choose you as a priority during those small windows. Being a single working mom, I have become a Queen at multi-tasking. It takes re-prioritizing and reframing what has to get done every day. It also takes juggling the To-Do list and listening when my mind and body are asking for a little extra attention some days. Even a quick 15 minute flow, can help me shift and feel accomplished in a day. 

MYTH #3: I Should Be Doing XYZ Instead!

We may be moms with full time careers, like me. Or stay at home moms, who just can’t seem to go pee without little travelers tagging along. Finding time is hard, no doubt about that, as we live in a busy world. However, we make time for what is important for us. Women are being asked to fill a million roles and it is impossible to keep serving from an empty cup. Taking the time to focus on just you and your body may seem selfish at first and it takes a bit to shift the thinking into YOU as a necessity. But we all have heard that you can’t pour from an empty cup. So taking the time to fill yourself with mindfulness and positive influence should always come before serving others, so we can give from that place of positivity and calm. 

So who is with me this year for a year of YOU? 

If my rambling resonated with you, I’d love to connect.

Soar High,

Sarah Bigger

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