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Writer's picturesoarwsarah

What else is possible?

It struck me like a bolt of lightning. The first time this question was directed towards me by my therapist, 'What else is possible? What if there was no existence of fear. If fear simple was not an emotion you could fathom. What would you do then?' My wildly random and busy mind went in about 20 different directions. All ideas lite my heart aflame with excitement. I had rarely let my mind drift to the unknown future in such a way before. Often future thoughts stem from worry or worst case scenario analysis. This life we are given can be so routine, robotic and predictable. But for a moment, what if you step outside of that regular habit and busy day to day hustle to allow your mind to really dream and connect with your inner imagination and intuition. Where does it take you when you open the flood gates of your desires? Do those ideas scare you? They usually do. Then we tuck them back into the deepest recesses of our minds as we don't know what to do with them or what the next step would be. But what if the next is simply sitting with the ideas or playing with your imagination. It comes to children so easily. They can pivot from their real world to their imaginary play world in a split second, and all day long. This skill is squashed as adult life takes over. I invite you to revisit that playful mind. To sit and think of what esle you could create or do or build. What would your world look like if there was no fear to be felt? What else is possible for your life when the ceiling of limitations we inflcit on ourselves is blown to pieces and we let the light in?

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