The kids are fighting, the dog needs to go for a walk and you don’t have anything planned for dinner. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there and it’s not a fun place to be. Life can get disorganized, chaotic and feels sometimes like you don’t have your **** together. Sometimes this state of unrest can spread to bigger areas in our lives, such as with the healthiness of the relationship with our partner, or our job security is suddenly questionable and we find ourselves up at night stressing about bringing in a stable income or financial situation. Chaos and decisiveness can even show up in our fitness commitment or our relationship with our bodies through food and exercise. All of these corners of our lives can feel out of control at times. It is completely normal and chaos can become our default atmosphere, if we are not aware or know how to shift the climate.
Here’s a new thought that may help shift your routine or perspective. Maybe those rough moments or nagging problems you can’t seem to figure out, are all part of a plan towards something much, much bigger and brighter than you can see right now. The important thing is how we react to those moments of chaos or uneasiness and what we do NEXT. Those moments are opportunities to actually change something that no longer fits. It’s how we react and when we choose a different approach that things truly begin to shift.
Are you curious where you can take shifts in your life? Grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions. This process of putting on paper and taking a few moments to reflect where your life can shift, change or grow is a tangible action to help drive you forward and through some of your ‘problems’.
Here’s a few questions you could ask yourself to check in if you are choosing and reacting towards your growth.
Who is important to your life and why? If they were not present, how would you service that important supply for yourself?
Who is in your life out of obligation or necessity? How can you set boundaries and limit influence?
What would you do with your time if money wasn’t a factor? What lights you up or makes your heart sing when you are doing it?
What is a goal you would like to achieve but don’t know how to get there? Or it seems to big to take on? Who could you ask or what can you do tomorrow to take the first step?
Who do you admire? What do they do specifically that you adore or draws you to their light? Which one of those characteristics could you start to reflect in your own actions?
Describe what it is like to be in your head. What phrases are on repeat? Are they positive or negative? Would you speak to your friends that way? What source do your judgments or self talk come from? Where can you seek an alternate source of inspiration?