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Writer's picturesoarwsarah

Curious or Coward

How do you show up? In your mind...

Listen to your thoughts. How do you speak to yourself when quiet, driving, or even in a challenging situation?

Do you use words that are judgey or limited? We may hear phrases such as 'I could never do that', or 'She is so much better than I am' or even the classic, 'I am horrible at that. I just can't do it. It's too difficult for me'. By using such negative, limited language, we are really stiffling our potential and ulitimately growth. All of those phrases are born from fear. Fear is what keeps us safe and small and protected. It originates from limiting beliefs we picked up a long the way through our lives. At some point we learned that taking risks or going against the grain is bad and dangerous. We learned that it is much 'wiser' to stay as we are, stay quiet and comfortable. Change and growth is ever so painful but ever so necessary for any progression towards your highest potential. Being brave, pushing past your fears and doing things despite how we feel in the moment, takes immense courage and practice. The first step towards growth begins with the courage to step into somewhere new, even when our brain may be telling us all the judgey and limited reasons why we cant' or shouldn't do them.

Shifting from fear to growth is a mighty challenge, so start small. Observe your thoughts or conversations you have with yourself and maybe start to ask yourself these questions when you notice limiting beliefs setting in....

What else is possible for me here? Have I looked at all the possible outcomes?

Is this thought I am having or conclusion I am jumping to, actually true and based in fact?

What if it turns out better than I ever imagined?

There is no growth in a comfort zone; there's no comfort in the growth zone.

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